Judge: Michel Leonhard
CH Mother's Finest Don't Challenge Me
Res. Cacib, 2nd best Champion
CH Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby
CAC, CACIB, BOS, Amsterdam Winster and new champion of the Netherlands
CH Mother's Finest Don't Challenge Me
CH Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby
und hier seht ihr mal, was wir so mit den Welpen alles machen, ausser füttern und sauber machen.......
New pics of the L2-litter
Sire: CH Mother's Finest Don't Challenge Me
Dam: CH Mother's Finest Bite Me Sexy Buffy
born 18.08.2016
males for sale
For more details klick here
Dortmund Bundessiegershow
Judge: Torsten Himmrich(D)
Mother's Finest Jabbadabbadoo-It's Joker, best Junior dog JCAC and Bundesjugendsieger
Mother's Finest Don't Challenge Me "Sailor" 2nd best dog, Res CAC, Res. CACIB
Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle, best junior bitch, JCAC and junior BOB, Bundesjugendsiegerin
Mothers's Finest Hush Hush Baby "Shadow" best bitch, CAC, CACIB, Bundessiegerin, BOS
A successful day and a fantastic team. Special thanks to Iris and Alina for your support
14.10.2016 Int. Dogshow Dortmund
judge: Gertrud Hagström
Mother's Finest Jabbadabbadoo - It's Joker was best Junior male but only second place in junior class
Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle was best junior bitch and junior BOB
House Of Softy Vagabond "Django" made my day and finally was BEST OF BREED
"Wenn er nicht gerade Igel erlegt, dann schläft er und träumt von einem tollen Leben. Wir bekommen einen Zuckersüßchock und er denkt sich schon die neuesten Streiche
Benelux Winner Show in Maastricht(NL), Crufts
Judge: Branislav Rajic
Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby, CAC, CACIB, BOS, Benelux Winner
Second day in Bremen again Best Junior And BOB for
Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle
and BOS for her brother
Mother's Finest Jabbadabbadoo It's Joker
Today Int. dogshow Bremen(Germany)
Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle was Best Junior and Best Of Breed
Mother's Finest Jabbadabbadoo It's Joker was Best Junior Male
Today on the Clubwinnershow in Bensheim(Germany):
Mother' Finest Jabbadabbadoo - It's Joker was best Junior and finally BOS with the title Junior Clubwinner and short listetd in BIS Junior
House Of Softy Vagabond has got the title Clubwinner and was best adult male
Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle was best Junior female with the title Junior Clubwinner
Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby besteht ihre Zuchtzulassung mit Bravour
RUS Junior CH Mother's Finest Jackpot for Modny Style awarded the title JUNIOR WORLD WINNER and JUNIOR INTERRA WINNER
breeder: Andreas Kreetz,
owner/handler: Oksana Kompaniets
both days also JUNIOR BEST OF BREED
thanks to Oksana and judge Andras Korosz
Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby: V1, Res. CAC, Res.CACIB
House Of Softy Vagabond: V2, Res.CAC
Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby V1, VDH/KFT CAC, BOS
Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle BIS Puppy
House Of Softy Vagabond (Django) Exc.1 , CAC, CACIB, BOS
and has got the title Alpensieger. We are very proud.
V1, CAC KFT/VDH, CACIB, Europasieger 2016 & BOB
>Mother's Finest Furious Fox<
>House of Softy Vagabond<
Internationale Dogshow Luxembourg
Mother's Finest Furious Fox Exc. 1 CAC, CACIB, BOB
He is now Lux.Ch.
National Terriershow in Münster(Germany) 17.01.2016
Judge: Svend Lovenkjaer(DK)
"Mother's Finest Jane From The Jungle" was BEST BABY IN SHOW and
"Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby" has got Best of Breed
National Terriershow in Münster(Germany) 16.01.2016
Judge: Dan Ericsson(S)
"Mother's Finest Jabbadabbadoo It's Joker" was BEST BABY IN SHOW
Aufgrund von allergischen Reaktionen der Besitzer ist der kleine Joker wieder zurück in meinem Haus. Er sieht so gut aus, dass ich mich entschlossen habe ihn zu behalten.
After allergic reactions of his new owners little Joker is back in my kennel. He looks fantastic, so I decided to keep him.
Winner Amsterdam 2015 and BOS
Mother's Finest Heat Is On
Herzlichen Glückwunsch den Besitzern Familie Bakker und besonders Machtheld für diesen großartigen Erfolg
Today on the International dogshow Karlsruhe again:
Mother's Finest Extraordinary Jasper BEST OF BREED and
House Of Softy Vagabond BOB JUNIOR
Today on the all breed National Dogshow in Karlsruhe(Germany)
Mother's Finest Extraordinary Jasper was Best Of Breed and shortlisted in the Terriergroup
Judges: Hans van den Berg(breed) and Hans Erhard Grüttner(group)
House Of Softy Vagabond "Django", IZH Hannover, Ex. 1, Best Junior
J2 Wurf Mother's Finest 4 Rüden/ dogs - 2 Hündinnen/ bitches
Looking back to a successful weekend:
CH Mother's Finest Don't Challenge Me- Clubwinner- BOB
Mother's Finest Hush Hush Baby - Clubwinner - BOS
House Of Softy Vagabond - 2nd best Junior at his first show with 9 months thanks to all friends and Judge Mr. W. Browne-Cole